Some parameters in biochemical testing machine


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Some parameters in biochemical testing machine

Current biochemical testing machines can do so many parameters, depending on how people study the corresponding chemicals for each parameter. Within the scope of this document, only some parameters of blood biochemical testing equipment, which are common in testing in hospitals, will be listed and meaningful for the diagnosis of common diseases today. When testing, it is necessary to pay attention to the results of the tests being objective only, to dialectically analyze the results, to avoid relying on the machine, to view the results in a superficial manner, which leads to incorrect conclusions. Each measurement parameter reflects many different pathological results, namely:

1. Creatinin (CRE)

Creatinin is a metabolic product of Creatin-phosphate, a form of energy storage used for muscle contraction. Creatinine is not used by the muscle, enters the bloodstream, and is excreted by the kidneys through the urine.

Normally, serum creatinine concentration is 44-106 umol / l (0.5-1.2 mg / dl).

Increase in:

- Large-scale injury or crushing, muscle inflammation ...

- Kidney diseases: acute and chronic nephritis, mercury toxicity, urinary tract obstruction, after kidney resection.

Reduction in:

- Liver failure due to reduced creatinine synthesis, the raw material that makes up creatin-phosphate.

Creatinin is the most stable protein component in the blood, not dependent on diet or physiological changes that only depends on the ability of the kidneys to excrete, so it is currently used a lot to monitor kidney function. , more important than urea.

2. Total protein (PRO)

Normally, the total protein in 100ml of serum is 7.1-8.6 g, according to the biological constant of Vietnamese people, including 4.5-5.5g albumin and 2.5-3.5 globumin .

Increased in cases of continuous dehydration (vomiting, diarrhea), when fever persists, multiple myeloma.

Decreased due to:

- Insufficient absorption of protein: malnutrition, diseases that thin the body, diseases of the digestive system.

- Losing too much albumin: kidney damage

- Increased protein damage: severe diabetes mellitus, severe thyrotoxicosis.

- Reduce synthesis of albumin: cirrhosis, hepatitis.

- Increase plasma volume and when blood is diluted.

- Increasing protein requirements: during pregnancy and lactation.

3. Urea

Urea is an important degradation product of proteins, synthesized in the liver and excreted mainly by the kidneys.

Normally, the serum urea concentration is 2.5-6.7 mmol / l (15- 40 mg / dl).

Increase due to:

- Increased supply: a high-protein diet, increased protein metabolism in the body (bacterial fever ...)

- Reducing elimination;

Before kidney: diabetes mellitus (heart disease, cirrhosis), dehydration (diarrhea, vomiting much)

In the kidneys: glomerulonephritis, acute and chronic renal tubules

After the kidneys: obstruction of the urine passage as in cancer or benign prostatic hyperplasia, urinary stones.

Decreased due to:

- Poor protein diet

- Liver failure reduces urea synthesis.

4. Cholesterol (CHO)

Normally, serum cholesterol level is 3.9-4.9 mmol / l (150-190 mg / dl)

Cholesterol increases after eating a lot of fat, when pregnant from 3 months to 4 months before birth.

About pathology:


- Atherosclerosis

- Nephrotic, blood cholesterol may increase by 10 mmol / l

- Hypothyroidism

- Jaundice due to biliary obstruction, gallstones

- Anorexia nervosa

- Influence of some drugs.


- Undernutrition, food absorption disorders

- Liver failure

- Hyperthyroidism

- Myeloderma

- Chronic bacterial infections: HIV, tuberculosis ...

5. Gluco (GLU)

Normally, blood glucose level is 4.4 to 6.1 mmol / l (80-110mg / dl). If glucose exceeds the kidney threshold (> 8.9-10 mmol / l) glucose will appear in the urine.

Increase in:

- Diabetes, very high increase in coma of this disease

- Slight increase in brain tumors, meningitis, traumatic brain injury, liver failure.

Decreased in physical and prolonged physical exertion, hunger, coma due to lack of glucose due to isulin administration, pancreatic tumor, severe liver failure, hypopituitarism, thyroid, adrenal gland, certain neurological diseases such as meningitis, epilepsy, early dementia, after gastrectomy, ethylic alcohol intoxication ...

6. Bilirubil

Bilirubil is a degradation product of hemoglobin metabolism. There are two types of bilirubil:

- Bilirubil indirectly forms in the retinal tissue system, is the type of bilirubil has not been passed through the liver to enter the bile ducts, insoluble in water, so it is not excreted by the kidneys. This bilirubil is also known as the main component of total bilirubil, the normal serum concentration is <12 umol / l (<0.7 mg / dl).

- Bilirubil is directly formed in the liver from indirect bilirubil, normally only a little, <5umol / l (<0.3 mg / dl)

Both types of bilirubil combine to form total bilirubil: the average serum concentration is <17 umol / l (<1 mg / dl)

Total bilirubil increases in cases of hemolysis (malaria, after blood transfusion), when absorbed a large hematoma, damage to liver parenchyma, drug toxic to liver cells.

Bilirubil directly increases due to:

- Due to cholestasis in the liver: viral hepatitis or poisoning, biliary cirrhosis ...

- Due to obstruction of the external biliary tract: gallstones, lymph nodes to compress the bile ducts.

7. Amylase

Origin of pancreatic and salivary amylase, amylase is the enzyme involved in carbohydrate metabolism.

Normally, the serum amylasa concentration is 60-180 U / l

Elevated in acute pancreatitis, blood levels can be increased up to 6-7 times in the early days, moderately increased in chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, peptic ulcer perforation into the pancreas, inflammation gallbladder, mumps, inflammation of salivary glands.

8. Creatininkinase (CK)

Also known as creatin phosphokinase (CPK). CK is the reaction catalyst:

Creatin + ATP creatin phosphate + ADP

There are 3 enzymes: CK-MM is found in the muscles, CK-MB is mainly found in the heart - this type is most often used, CK-BB is found mainly in the brain. Normally, CK activity in plasma is mainly CK-MM. The average CK value in serum is <195 U / L, the CK-MB value is <2-3% of the CK value.

- CK increases during strenuous labor, in muscle diseases such as myositis, myocardial injury, myocardial infarction

- CK-MB increases in myocardial infarction.

9. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)

LDH is the enzyme necessary for the catalytic reaction of glucose metabolism:

Lactate + NAD pyryvat + NADH2

The average value in serum is 100-250 U / l

Pathological changes

- Myocardial infarction: the concentration in the blood is very high, 7-10 times more; increase from 24 to 36 hours after the onset of illness and return to normal after 10-15 days, the concentration increases in parallel with the level of lesions.

- Liver diseases: moderate increase in acute viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, metastatic liver cancer, slight increase in biliary tract diseases.

10. Phosphate

As a yeast to hydrolyze phosphoric esters, which are essential for phosphorus metabolism, two types of acid and alkaline phosphate tests are used clinically:

Acid phosphate (ACP)

There are many in organizations and agencies such as prostate, red blood cells, platelets, spleen, bone ... The average value in serum is <5.5 U / l

ACP increases in prostate cancers, especially when there is metastasis to the bone.

Alkaline phosphate (ALP)

Operating in a pH of 9-10, the source is mainly in the bones, partly in the liver, kidneys, spleen, intestinal mucosa ... The normal value in serum is 30-120 U / l.

Pathological changes:

- Increase in rickets, osteomalacia, bone cancer ...

- Reduction in tuberculosis, pituitary dwarfism, vitamin C deficiency, anemia ...

11. Tranramin

An enzyme that helps transport amino groups, creating a link between protein and carbohydrate metabolism. There are 2 types of attention in the current clinical:

Glutamo-Oxalo Tranramin (GOT), is abundant in the heart, liver and then to the muscles, kidneys and lungs. This enzyme is also known as aspartate amino transferase, often clinically referred to as AST.

Glutamo-Pyruvic Tranramin (GPT), is abundant in the liver. This enzyme is also known as alanin amino transferase called ALT

In serum, these two enzymes have an extra S at the beginning and abbreviated as SGOT and SGPT.

The mean serum values ​​are:

- SGOT <35 U / l

- SGPT <35 U / l

SGOT increases in acute myocardial infarction, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart failure, in acute myocardial infarction SGOT increases very high.

SGPT increases in liver diseases such as acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer, cholangitis ... In acute viral hepatitis, SGPT increases very high, sometimes 10-30 times or more. .

12. Triglycerides (PAP)

Normal serum concentration is <2mmol / l (<175 mg / dl)

Increased in atherosclerosis, also increased in obesity, alcoholism, diabetes, liver failure, pancreatitis, kidney failure, bacterial infection ..

13. Uric acid (AU)

Uric acid is a degradation product of nucleprotite. Normally the serum concentration is 208-327 umol / l according to the biological constant of Vietnam, in women a little lower than men.

Increased in gout, in high fever, extensive burns, some kidneys such as pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, tuberculosis ...

Reduced in some diseases with liver cell damage, some cases of renal tubular damage.
