Experience in buying hematology testing machines for the laboratory department


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Experience in buying hematology testing machines for the laboratory department

Hematology testing machine is a basic equipment of the laboratory with great significance in diagnosing diseases and high economic efficiency while the investment cost is not large.

On the market there are many lines of hematological testing machines such as Sysmex, Nihon Kohden, Roche, Siemens, Abbott, Mindray, Z3 - ZYBIO, Rayto, Urit, Drirui ...

The note to pay attention when buying hematology testing machine
1. Technical specifications
- Test speed / h: type 1 counting chamber usually has speed of 30 test / h, 2 counting chambers is 60 test / h.
Based on the number of patients doing daily tests or running hematological examination, the hospitals and clinics choose accordingly. Unlike blood biochemical test, hematological test run 1 test / 1 patient (biochemical every run is an indicator)
- Technology for measuring impedance or laser?
For small and medium health facilities, most of them use impedance measurement technology. The advantage is that the price is cheap, meets the basic requirements, very suitable for running a medical examination for the company units with a large number of examination (if you need more analytical information on this you can discuss directly) with us via the hotline 0981.109.635)

Laser technology is expensive 2-3 times more expensive, has high accuracy and is only suitable for large medical facilities or specialized in blood transfusion hematology.
- How many parameters to consider?
Hematology machines currently have parameters from tests: 18, 19, 20 ... to 33 parameters.
For clinics, medical facilities usually only need the machine with 18 to 33 parameters. High-end machines have specialized indicators (Laser machines) such as: erythrocytes, reticulocytes ... these indices are specialized in hematology and blood transfusion, suitable for large and intensive medical facilities. . These high-end devices are expensive, sometimes large, up to several billion.
- Sample speed: Machines with a speed of 60-90 tests per hour.

- Number of leukemia components and charts
Usually impedance machines, there are 3 leukemia components and 3 charts. High-end laser machines usually have 5 leukemia components and 5 charts.

- Chemicals open or closed?
Most mid-range and low-end machines use open chemicals because the main active ingredient of the manufacturers is the same (because all are the same principle). However, some manufacturers have additional components to fit their machines, so the device only runs correctly with genuine chemicals.
In particular, some companies are "forcing" their chemicals by integrating barcode readers to identify chemicals. Each test bar code to run as many Test, even redundant and not run and often costs will be higher

2. Brand and price
- Famous Chinese brands, suitable for small health facilities: Mindray, Z3 - ZYBIO, Rayto, Urit, Dirui
The price of 3 lines of leukemia components and technology becomes from 90 to 125 million. Type 5 leukemia components, Laser technology from 270 to 450 million
- The world's leading brands, suitable for large health facilities: Sysmex, Nihon Kohden, Roche, Siemens, Abbott
The price of 3 lines of leukemia components and technology becomes from 165 to 225 million. Category 5 leukemia components, Laser technology has many segments and cost from 450 to 3.5 billion.

3. Warranty service and customer care.

- Warranty for 1 year, 2 years or more is also an important factor in the operation of the hematology machine. Equipment firms with enthusiastic, highly qualified technicians will take better care of customers.

- When purchasing hematological devices that meet the technical requirements, the quality of testing requirements prescribed by the Ministry of Health requires the support of equipment manufacturers and quality organizations. You should choose a testing equipment company with links to quality support experts.

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